How to Install and Register DLL Files

Windows operating systems are among the most popular in the world among PC and laptop users, and they are quite intricate and complex in their construction. From booting up the OS to running several programs, thousands of small files and components work in tandem for a smooth operation. Among the horde of files in the System32 folder, there are also dynamic link library files, or DLL files.

DLL files offer a set of instructions that can be used to perform certain tasks, and different programs on the computer, such as the word processor, printer, database software, and many others, call them. While DLL files are actually present when you install Windows, some programs may require you to install and register new DLL files.

This article will guide you through the process of installing and registering DLL files to ensure that your programs keep running smoothly.

What are DLL Files?

A dynamic link library file, or DLL file, is a type of file consisting of code that is executed by several programs on your computer, whenever they need to perform certain tasks. These programs can even call a single DLL file at the same time. These files are present in the System32 and are a part of the pre-installed files and modules that come with your Windows operating system, be it Windows 7, 8, 10, or the newer releases.

Reasons for Installing a DLL File

As mentioned above, hundreds of DLL files are already present in the System32 folder of your Windows OS, and their job is to execute the task they have been built for. These DLL files are built on the framework of modular programming, where each program is broken down into sub-programs or modules.

Have you ever come across an error message while opening a program that reads “DLL file missing” or “DLL file not found”? If so, it means that the program cannot find or access the DLL file that it needs to run smoothly, and sometimes even system startup is affected due to this very reason. Therefore, let’s have a look at some common reasons why a DLL file would go missing and you would have to install it yourself.

System Shutdown

Sometimes, your computer or laptop may shut down abruptly, either due to a sudden power cut or software that causes it to crash. When you reboot it, you would find that the “DLL file missing” error message appears and the program fails to start. The abrupt shutdown can cause the file to become corrupt, and you may have to install and register it to get the program working again.

Installation of New Software

If you have new software installed on your computer and run it, it may give you the error message that a certain DLL file isn’t available for it to run properly. Sometimes, new software can also try to alter the code of the DLL file, which would not only corrupt the file but also cause all the other programs that rely on it to crash as well.

Therefore, you may have to install and register a new DLL file to make sure the new software works properly, and it also restores the normal function of the other programs.

Virus Infection

Another reason why a DLL file would need to be reinstalled is if there is a virus or malware that may have infected it. The virus may make its way to your computer through an external drive, email, or even a downloaded file from a suspicious website. In that case, you will have to find the DLL file and install it on your computer.

Accidentally Deleted Files

If you have a habit of exploring the program files in your computer just to see how they work, you may risk deleting one of the crucial files, i.e. a DLL file that is important to run several programs. In that case, you will have to reinstall the file and register it in order to get your programs working properly again.

How to Install and Register a DLL File

Before you install a new DLL file and replace the old one with it, there are several methods you can try to make the existing file work again. For starters, you can restart the computer or run a virus scan to try to get the file restored. In addition, if you have deleted it accidentally, you can either check the Recycle Bin or run file recovery software.

However, if nothing works to restore your DLL file, you may have to install and register the DLL file in order to get things working smoothly again. 

If a particular program outputs the “DLL file missing” error, you have the option of downloading the DLL file of the same name from the internet and adding it to the same folder where all of the files are located. There are several websites that have tons of DLL files that you can download. Once you download the right file, here are the steps you can follow:

  1. Copy the DLL File

You have to look for the drive in which Windows is installed, which is usually the C drive. Open up the C drive on your computer and open the folder titled ‘Windows’. Inside the folder, you will find several sub-folders, including the System32 folder. Once you open it, you will find dozens of folders, along with thousands of DLL files. You can paste the file there, and this concludes the installation phase.

2. Register the DLL File

Once the DLL file has been installed into the System32 folder, the next step is to register it so that Windows recognizes it properly. The next step is to click Start or press the Windows key, and click the Run function. Type in “regsvr32 <space>[filename].dll” and press the Enter key. This would register the .dll file into your Windows operating system and should enable the program to run properly.

This concludes our guide on how you can install and register DLL files on your computer. Although the process may seem exhausting and difficult, but it is usually a breeze and you would be able to do it on your own. Moreover, you don’t have to be a programmer in order to do this.